I guess I should be proud that it took 2 months and 100 miles until I had my first cancelled run of the year. I got on the treadmill (sleet is non-negotiable), and 3 minutes later I stopped because my knee hurt. Poo.
It was probably because I spent almost the entire day on my feet. We had our annual trip to Barnes and Noble! We piled all the kids who regularly make their paycheck onto buses, and split the 7th grade among two stores. We went to the one at the Livingston mall. The kids had a good time, and it was easy management, but it was work. We brought them back in time for lunch, and then had I taught three in a row. Ouch. My feet were feeling it. It was worth it to encourage the students to build their personal libraries, but I'm pretty sad I had to skip a run.
Fortunately, tomorrow is a half day "to catch up on work and on life". I'm going to catch up on swimming, and maybe running on the treadmill at the Y. Not only that, but during the school day, I am going to observe the 8th grade science teacher at another North Star school, so it'll be a super easy day.
I'm hoping I feel 100% tomorrow. In the meantime, I will have a glass of scotch, watch shameful television, and eat lots of things. With chocolate.
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