Chapter 1 began and ended with a half marathon. Cool, huh?
I am really tired this week, but I got in a good run tonight. I ran about 3 miles, with some strides at the end. Strides are 20 second sprints, with a couple minutes of easy running between. They're sort of an easy, low-impact introduction to speed training. I should be taking it easy, but I really can't wait to get faster. Tonight's run felt great, although I'm physically and mentally tired. I love running, though, and the weather was great.
School has been busy with preparation for state testing. Today, we had an entire staff meeting dedicated towards proctoring and testing policies. The tests are very highly regulated. All test booklets have to be accounted for, instructional signage in classrooms have to be covered, and students have to use #2 Ticonderoga pencils. Every piece of paper has to be accounted for. We are not allowed to take too long standing over any one student, so we don't accidentally read and memorize any questions. Proctors cannot have computers, cell phones, or pencils. Students are not allowed to talk when they go to the bathroom. It's very, very secure.
Due to all the mess with my certification, I cannot proctor. Instead, I'll be a hallway floater for all testing days. This is instead of proctoring computer-less, so I'm not too upset. In fact, it will be kind of nice to circulate and help out around all the classrooms. Less boring, anyway. My aim is to be as helpful as I possibly can, so that they make the hallway floater position permanent. The idea of proctoring for 3.5 hours without being able to get any work done sounds awful.
I have a quiz tomorrow, and then next week is easy for me, because the kids will be doing things like working on a persuasive essay (Is wind power a promising source of alternative energy?), doing a lab, and reading from a textbook. I could use the rest, since I've been doing a lot of standard-format lessons (teach, lead discussion, facilitate practice). I'm starting to feel the 140 days of school we've had, as we dive into the last 40.
Summer is so close, I can taste it. I'm starting to make plans to celebrate my birthday (late June) with my family. I am so excited to have a summer that is unlike last summer. Last summer was awful. This summer will be awesome, just because it will not be like last year. I will sleep, and train. I want to see how much training I can do. I might get on a bicycle or in the pool every day.
Let's call this the start of Chapter 2.
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