Wednesday, May 29, 2013

61.6 Miles in May

I am very, very frustrated right now because a colleague who often drops the ball and leaves it for us to discover, did it again. And (relating to the FPT) I have to use my prep time to plan and class time to teach to fill in the space. And I only discovered this because I am on top of my work and happened to take a peek at next week's work. Ugh.

In other news, I had an exciting weekend in EMS. Friday was my first shift at South Planfield EMS, and I was welcomed with open arms. Mostly.

We hung out for about an hour, starting at 7PM sharp. We decided to go out for Chipotle at about 8. Halfway through the line, we get toned out to an incomprehensible dispatch. We arrive to find a 97-year old (wow) woman and her daughter. The woman had been to the hospital earlier in the week, but wasn't feeling well again, and having difficulty standing up. (I'd have difficulty standing up at 97 too.) Of course, as we lifted her onto the stair chair, she said, "The poopie all came out." Great. The ride to the hospital was uneventful (albeit smelly) and I was in bed at 10:30 for the rest of the night.

The Friday night crew covers Saturday nights every 6th week, so I had to come in on Saturday as well. Saturday was a bit more exciting. We had 3 calls total, plus a missing person search. The first call was similar to Friday's: elderly person needing a ride to the hospital. Afterwards, we were called to the movie theater to help for a missing 46-year old mentally disabled man. 12 firefighters and 6 EMTs walked through the movie theaters with flashlights for 45 minutes until the missing man's caretaker admitted that he went missing a while ago, and soon after that we heard over the radio that they found the man at a gas station a mile away. That was productive.

A second unexciting call, followed by a drunk, pepper-sprayed, twentysomething who needed to be checked lockup. He had gotten too drunk and belligerent at his sister's wedding and needed to be restrained. He was pepper-sprayed while being uncooperative. Definitely something I will NOT do at my sister's wedding. The best part of drunk patients is that they think they can logically negotiate their way out of a situation. He was trying to convince us and the cop that he should be allowed to leave. Needless to say, his negotiations were unsuccessful.

We got back to bed at 12:30. I was so tired after two nights of working that I crashed on Monday night by 8PM after a less-than-strenuous barbecue.

 Twice this week, I've gone out running because my mom helped motivate me. Yesterday, I got out right as it finished raining. Today, it was 88 degrees and humid.

But you know what I'm really proud of this month? This:

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