Thursday, June 13, 2013

Best Day I'm driving home from the car service place, on the phone with the insurance company, and I park at the apartment. I'm sitting on the phone, and I see something-someone on the balcony. It's Tim, and his friend. I know something is up. I sort-of-but-not-quite hang up on the insurance company, and get out of the car.

Tim is standing on the balcony holding my giant Post-it pad. On the pad, it says, "Hi, Robin!" He continues to flip though the following messages:
<Sorry I stole your easel>
<But I wanted to say>
<I love you.>
<I'm glad I worked those EMS shifts.>
<I have some carbon that would be better on your finger."
<Will you...>

I have tears streaming down my face at this point. Like, pouring. I run up the stairs and open the apartment door, to find Tim on one knee holding the ring. I'm crying and smiling and nodding. Tim's friend is taking pictures, and hands us each a glass of champagne. There is a plate of chocolate. Tim's friend leaves and we call everyone we know.

I'm pretty much crying just sitting here writing this (in school, in the computer lab, in a room full of students making FPT PowerPoints).

That night (Saturday), I suggested dinner at our favorite (kinda expensive) restaurant in New Brunswick, and it turns out Tim already made reservations. We go out for a fantastic dinner with plenty of drinks, but when the waitress brings our dessert, she announces that our dinner is compliments of Tim's aunt and uncle who love us very much. I cried again (okay, I hadn't slept well in several days). It was such a treat.

And thus was one of the best days of my entire life, which I couldn't have done without the help of Toyota's flaws.

And then today, I finished my lesson plans. For the year. I am done with written work. I also closed my grade book (I may have thrown out an assignment or two). 6 days of school, and it's summer vacation!

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