Today was an awesome day. It wasn't perfect with the lesson (70% mastery on the exit ticket), but the lesson ended early. I taught DNA transcription and RNA translation, and they mastered the big amino acid chart pretty quickly. In the last 15 minutes, I sat with my class and talked about myself. And they talked about themselves. My collab joined us and helped.
Student 1, who struggles most in class, but is always there with a smile, wants to be a detective when she grows up. She laughs a lot. She went to the beach this weekend and came to class with a nice sunburn. She's good at recall, but sometimes struggles with the analytical aspect of the material. She always raises her hand to participate.
Student 2 is the only boy in class. He missed the first three days in class, but made sure that his attendance wasn't a problem with the main office. He begged us to share his midterm score with him so he can keep track of his progress. He wants to be an architect when he grows up. He draws creative and clever cartoons in my class (you should see his enzyme comic).
Student 3 is very shy, but she shared today that she loves the class and that it is changing her mind about biology. I was never sure, because she is always so quiet in class. She doesn't know what she wants to do when she grows up, which I assure her is okay, but her favorite class is math.
I got to know the most about Student 4. She has attendance and tardiness problems, which I learned today is due to the fact that she is living with a family member on Long Island this summer...and commuting to the Bronx every day. She looks sleepy because she is tired, but she is really enjoying the class. She needs this class for credit recovery because she was not a great student sophomore year, but has since improved. She wants to be a nurse or a second grade teacher. She wants to go to Stony Brook, but doesn't think she has the grades, so she might to to a community college on the way. Her exit ticket was great today (70%), showing extra effort.
It's nice that I have only four students, but I should have gotten to know them earlier.
I shared that I like to run, went to Brown, and enjoy video games but haven't played much since Nintendo 64.
In other news, my Macbook is repaired and back in my hands. Ahhh.
Last night I attended a workshop on setting up science experiments in the classroom. I can't wait for this stuff to start.
I can't wait to make my classroom.
I can't wait to meet my kids.
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