I know you're all as eager as I was to get the results of my midterm assessment. You know what? It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The class average was 65%, which is a big improvement from the pre-assessment average of 42%. Good enough to pass the Regents, but still room to do better. Now that I know how my lesson plans have failed, I'll be better. The most comforting news is that the student who still needs to pass the Regents got a 67% (passing is 65). Considering he missed the first 3 days of class, he should be able to succeed on the exam.
In addition, we gave surveys to our students asking them questions about whether the teachers make you feel comfortable and cared about, and whether the class is enjoyable and motivating. I couldn't believe how nice they were. My favorite answer is posted above (number 16).
My students like me. I can't wait to teach next week.
I'm so proud.
I'm so proud, too. You should have title this entry, "Results!"