Monday, February 4, 2013

30 Damn Minutes

Dine-in movie theaters are awesome. I watched a movie in a red leather recliner, with a shrimp taco in one hand and a mango margarita in the other. It was kind of like vacation. I saw Django Unchained, which was decidedly not like a vacation. It was interesting, in that I'm not too familiar with Quentin Tarantino. The acting was phenomenal, but I was constantly unsure what was serious social commentary and what was violent parody. It was a very enjoyable 3 hours, though, especially the rapid-fire action of the first hour.

I had my first week moonlighting as an SAT teacher (teaching a class in Edison). I have some opinions about the program as a whole, but I had an easy two hours teaching Critical Reading to smart local students (local to suburbia, not to Newark). Money is money (which promptly ceased to be money, on my way home, and became a dress, a handbag, and three blouses).

Sunday was my next attempt at a sub-30 5K. Ugh. It was cold, and there was a layer of snow on the ground. It was very hard to get warmed up. I could keep making excuses, but the truth is, if I had just run my first, or second, mile 7 seconds faster, I would've had it. 30:06.7. Ouch. Once again, if they had measured start line to finish line, instead of gun to finish line, I would've had it. But, if I want that official record that I can look up online as I please, I'll have to do it better. Excitingly, though, I was 7/19 in my age group. That's considerably better than 50th percentile.

After an easy week of running, my monthly massage was easier than usual. My hamstrings and IT bands were not extremely painful. It was nice and relaxing in that immediate sort of way, rather than the usual I-Know-This-Is-Good-In-The-Long-Term sort of way.

I did not, I repeat, not, watch the Super Bowl yesterday (*gasp*). I'm a little disappointed that I missed a good Beyonce show, but I've had enough blackout this year. I much preferred a low key Downton Abbey marathon. Off to another week!

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