Wednesday, February 20, 2013

That Week

This is one of those weeks. I'm really, really glad I declared it an easy training week. It's one of those days with one less day, but one more day of stuff to do. In addition to my regular 5 days of planning for next week, I also had to do a data analysis on the NSA, get extra grades together for the interim progress report grades, do some technique practice, and prepare for our School Beautification deadline. (And now that I've outlined my essay with a strong thesis statement and 3 topics...)

I had entered all the NSA data over the weekend, so I only thought I had a few hours of data analysis, which I kind of enjoy. Of course, I discovered on Tuesday morning that the spreadsheet was a little wonky, so the data analysis part was missing (percentages of mastery of each question and objective), so I couldn't reflect on it. I got that fixed by the end of the day, but by then I was already behind schedule. And that doesn't include the two questions that are incorrect, and that I feel should be stricken from the register. And, I found out today that they want the practicals graded differently, so I have to regrade the practicals.

We were also surprised on Sunday with the news that this is the last week in the first half of the third marking period, so we need at least 15 grades for the interim reports. However, NSA and NSA review don't create grades. Also, the usual 3-grades-per-week rule doesn't even help because this half-quarter was only 4 weeks, not 5. So, I've been grading every homework, Do Now, and Exit Ticket. And then entering all of them into the gradebook between classes.

Yesterday, I had a really rough class. One of the really smart, but really difficult kids threw a tantrum. He didn't follow the rules, didn't make the corrections, and then made a big show about leaving the room. It kind of threw the class off it's game for the first 2/3 of the period, which made me very unhappy. Since I was working on some sills anyway, I had the class videotaped. This helped make a case against him for the dean, which resulted in a really solid apology today, but had other results. Today, I met with my IL to play Monday morning quarterback. It was pretty embarrassing to watch myself losing my temper, but then I had to stand in an empty classroom and practice my technique. I know it'll make a difference in my class (keep an even tone, don't show your poker face), it was rough. It was exhausting.

Lastly, we were told two weeks ago about a School Beautification deadline this Friday. It's no big deal, but it means by Friday I have to update all my bulletin boards. It's an extra hour or two of work, and an extra thing in my head.

In conclusion, it's been a busy week. Add that to some extra bad traffic today and having to wait behind a train, and I'm pretty cranky. I even failed at going to the gym because I made up some excuse about feeling shin splints coming on again. I still love my job, and I still love when students keep coming up to me and asking for advice about their science fair projects, but I need a nap. Or a drink. Besides, I got some credit from my IL for working so hard through all the NSA confusion that results from working on a new curriculum. It makes me feel pretty good.

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