Tuesday, October 9, 2012


As wonderful as three-day weekends are, the Tuesday back is awful. There was so much tired everywhere today.

I got through it, though. I've gotten better at forcing energy when I don't have it, because if I sound tired, the kids will never stay focused. It helps that my lessons are a little too long, so I really feel the urgency.

The weekend was great. I had relaxation, good food, and family time. I also ran lots of miles and lifted some weights. I felt pretty good about it, but waking up at 5:15 to get from Long Island to Newark for work makes for a long day.

I was all ready to for a 2-ish mile run after work today, until I got out of the car. In the process of walking to my apartment, realizing I left my phone in the car, and going back outside to get it, I lost all motivation for running. It was too cold and rainy. That said, I had worked out every day for the previous three days straight, so I could use the break. Instead, I'll go tomorrow evening, when the boyfriend has a late dissection lab.

This afternoon, I had the usual Tuesday detention, but it was an unusually big and giggly group. Fortunately, the principal stopped by and hung out for a little while. The kids stayed silent for the rest of the time. Apparently, she likes helping out in these situations. Like, she enjoys it. I didn't get yelled at, and I get the impression that I won't get yelled at over this. It's crazy.

I got no planning done today, which is unusual for a Tuesday, but I graded an entire set of exit tickets and two classes of lab reports, which take a while. This week is mostly dedicated to grading, considering that I'm a week ahead on grading and have a quiz on Thursday. And I'm excited about that quiz, too. It's well aligned to the Interim Assessment, so I'll see what the kids can do before next week.

I'll get my run in tomorrow, I promise.

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