Monday, October 15, 2012


Friday I had my monthly check-in with my principal. I was nervous, but it was as wonderful as it could have been. I told her how happy I was and what I was working on improving. She asked if there were any issues I noticed, and I mentioned that the 7th graders were very social and chatty, and that I felt that it shouldn't be the teacher's job to separate students and that they should have the maturity to self-police.

Before I left, she scheduled next month's check-in and an observation. She suggested that she observe during my chattiest class so she could offer another point of view. I felt like she really wanted to help me. She's not out to get me, she's there to help me. The observation is in a few weeks, and I'll be nervous, but I'll be totally in control because she's NOT out to get me.

Towards the end of the meeting, I mentioned again how lucky I felt to work there. Okay, maybe I was fishing for compliments a little bit. And I got it. She answered that she's lucky to have found me, because science teachers are like unicorns.

I know, right? I was thrilled and flattered, but also, duh! Science teachers are not widespread enough that a place like Bridgeport should be letting them go so quickly. I didn't mean this to be a rant. I really love this place.

Today began the first quarter interim assessments (NSAs). Because it is so busy (proctoring all morning then teaching 3 out of 4 hours), I managed to finish my next week's planning today. That's a big relief and I might even sleep. I'm still nervous about the NSA, but it's not too bad. Although, I had the kids do a self-reflection, and reading their own concerns about the NSA made me so anxious that I just had to put the pile in my "inbox". In 48 hours, I'll know exactly which of my students know what content.

Today we had a review game and it was really fun. It involved Powerpoint and homemade mini-whiteboards and independent variables, but what ended up happening was 100% engagement and joy. That is one of the end goals of every training I've had in TFA and at NSA: all students should be engaged and challenged and smiling. It was so much fun for everyone.

I have some niggling shin pain again, so I'm taking the day off. However, I think I've picked my next A-race: the New Jersey Marathon on May 5. That's it. I've told you, now I've got to do it. 80% on the NSA and the New Jersey Marathon in May.

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