Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Although I've been a little less motivated to blog lately, I tend to want to write when I've come up with three things worth mentioning.

The first is another awesome encounter with the principal. She popped into my class yesterday after lunch, which is not terribly unusual. She walked through, and then left. I figured it was because I had mentioned that I find that class the most challenging, and she wanted to check it out. After class, she approached me in the hallway and asked how I was feeling. What? Oh! On Friday, during our check-in, I mentioned that I thought I was coming down with a cold. She was actually checking to see how I was doing. She cares about me. Crazy. I'm getting spoiled here.

I've noticed I've been getting sick less. I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but last year I was sick about once per month. This year, I had one real cold, and suffered through a few sniffly days of school. I also had two almost-colds that never really panned out. Not bad, considering Thanksgiving break is almost NOW.

This week we had about a dozen visitors from a TFA-related charter school in North Carolina. They were gracious, observed politely, and left us thank you notes. They also LOVED our school (as they should) and took notes about a lot of the awesome stuff we did. And then we swapped stories about some of the more challenging schools.

This afternoon, I had one of my favorite things happen. Twice. After each of my two afternoon classes, a handful of kids demanded to stay after class to ask me more questions about stuff only tangentially related to class content. It was awesome. I got to talk even more about science, and they eagerly swallowed up every little bit.

And then I exhaustedly drove home, and had a nice jog on the treadmill. Since dealing with various pains (shin, knee, etc.), this was my first continuous 2 mile run. There was no pain at all. Not only that, I've been taking it really "slowly" by running fast. For the last month, I've been running short intervals (1-8 minutes at a time with walking breaks in between), but faster than normal (10 minutes per mile). Today I ran 2 miles at 10 min/mi. It's one of my best paces, and it was on a treadmill, and my headphones fell out after the first mile. I can't wait until my new headphones arrive in the mail from Hong Kong sometime soon.

This weekend I'm going to Boston with my parents. There will be good food, good drinks, good museums, and hopefully some good running adventures.

That's more than three things, but that's how I roll. I start the writing, and it finishes itself.

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