Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last Day of School

Today was our last day teaching this summer (don't worry, we still have a full day of sessions tomorrow before they let us go). I received many nice words from the three students that attended, and one of them gave me a hug. I almost cried. That's not true. I cried.

The assessments The class certainly improved, from a 39% average at the start of the summer to a 62% average now, but I'm disappointed. I guess if you consider that the assessment tested different objectives than the ones we were required to teach, the scores can be considered a little higher (if we don't count the material that we were told not to teach). That includes a nice chunk of the test, which might have raised our class average to the arbitrary goal that was set for us, 75%. I'm disappointed, but I think it had to do more with planning objectives and creating assessments than with teaching.

Fortunately, we had a session on creating unit plans and other long-term planning techniques. In addition to making me more anxious about the placement I don't have yet, we learned how to take a year-long curriculum and plan each day. I love planning. I'm great at planning. This school year will be very good (I hope).

I've learned that some awesome people are reading this blog. I'd like to shout out to the coolest girl in Memphis (and her new kitty!) and my favorite small writer in NYC (who will get a great job soon, I'm sure of it).

I realized today that I really love teaching. I think I've picked the right thing. Well, 1.5 days left of Institute, and 2 years left in TFA. Proud, eager, and excited.

1 comment:

  1. Shoutout right back at ya! I know almost firsthand how stressful it is to be a new teacher, and it's exciting to see you going so strong.
    <3 Lily, Memo (new kitty) & Koushkah (old kitty)
