Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Schedule Change

I'm constantly reminded to be flexible. As another teacher quipped to me this afternoon, "Never plan for anything."

My day started out really well. My double period with Orange went extremely smoothly, and I got to spend the last 10 minutes of class illustrating how awesome college is, by telling them some Africa stories. I think I've never had every single student stare at me, silently, for 10 minutes straight. I had a blast, and I think they did too.

My next class wasn't thrilling, but gave me an "I love this job" moment. I was really feeling blah, not looking forward to class. We were playing Review Jeopardy, which ranges from awful to awesome, depending on the class and the day. I trudged into the classroom...and suddenly the 42 minutes were over and it was time for lunch. I guess I must love my job.

At lunch, however, I discovered that the afternoon's assembly had been cancelled. I had thought I was done teaching for the day, and that I would spend my afternoon listening to student council candidates (mostly my students!) give speeches to grades 4-8. Nope. Apparently, when the speakers had been told to dress up, some of them dressed up, and some of them dressed down. So many kids used this as an excuse to wear their favorite skinny jeans in lieu of uniform that the assembly was postponed until tomorrow, when I miss my prep period. Disappointing. So I taught another two classes.

"I am so disappointed. I was really looking forward to seeing the kids speak."
"You mean, you were looking forward to not teaching two periods."
"Yeah, whatever."

It's almost Christmas, like really. And it turns out the kids like getting back into the routine of content. I can't wait until Christmas. And after that, I can't wait until this whole science fair shindig is over.

Until then, I shall comfort myself the way every good Jew does during this time of year: Christmas Carols and Asian food. I've got a nice bowl of udon boiling in the kitchen and a glass of cold sake waiting for me.

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