Monday, April 23, 2012

Vacation's Over

It's the Monday of Mondays, the end of vacation. And my vacation was WONDERFUL.

I spent 3 days in Amsterdam and 3 in Berlin. I did walking tours, bike tours, bus tours, and boat tours. I ate more Belgian waffles than I'd care to admit. I saw crazy Soviet architecture. I saw a ton of shrapnel holes in the sides of buildings. I saw brilliant architecture of the Dutch 17th century mega-indulgence movement. I saw millions of tulips. I saw Hitler's bunker. I drank a lot of bier. I ate so much wonderful food.

And now, slightly sunburned and more than slightly jetlagged, I begin another week of work. I love my kids and I love the look on their faces when they've figured out how to complete the circuit of their homemade conductivity testers, but I'm tired. Days are long in this line of work.

I have Peapod coming today, but I'm way behind on other chores. I have a lot of laundry to do, dishes to wash, and things to tidy. Sigh. I'll get it done eventually.

I have jumped right back into my exercise routine, though. The only exercise I did during vacation was a 10-ish mile bike tour over 6 hours, part of that full of beer and herring. Yesterday, I slugged through a mile jog and today I did 2.5. Not a bad start.

I read an exercise motivation thing on the internet about a 90-day challenge, and I'd like to try my own. It involves diet, exercise, and weight loss goals, separated into 3 30-day "sprints". So, starting today, here is an outline of my 90-day challenge:
Current weight: 137 lbs (up 2 lbs from before my trip--totally worth it)
Current running mileage: average of 7 miles per week (in February and March)

First 30 days
Weight goal: 135 lbs (what it was before vacation)
Running goal: average of 10 miles per week, maybe a 5K race
Diet goal: 3 full meals per day, only one microwaved meal per day

Second 30 days
Weight goal: 133 lbs (haven't seen this since...I don't remember)
Running goal: 10 miles per week, plus biking 10 miles per week, sprint tri in June
Diet goal: no microwaved food

Third 30 days
Weight goal: 131 lbs (this has been my arbitrary goal since 2009)
Running goal: average of 15 miles per week
Diet goal: this is the summer, home-cooked meal at least 3x/week

Let's see how it goes!

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