Monday, September 24, 2012

Night Off

Today started out with a bad case of the Mondays. I was moving slowly, and my kids were still having trouble with independent and dependent variables. After my first class, I rearranged my lesson to incorporate more review of variables. This led to some really good discussions, which felt really good. There was not a lot of teacher talking, but a lot of student voice. By the end, I had a much better idea of what I need to review before the interim assessment in 2 weeks.

I managed to, like only happens occasionally, get ahead on my to-do list. I even planned next Monday's lesson, which is...October! It is very soon no longer September.

On my way home, I paid a phone call to the replacement science teacher back in Bridgeport. She sounds nice. She sounds a lot like me. It's gonna be a bloodbath. I gave her as much advice as I could in 45 minutes, but then I had to go running before it got dark. I gave her some advice on how to deal with some of the students, and the principal. Mostly, that she should anticipate problems and seek out solutions on her own, because those that should help her may not.

I got a run in today, but was limited by daylight. I also felt some niggling in my knee and foot, so cut it short at 2 miles. It still felt good.

My boyfriend was out studying, so I had a relaxing evening alone. I didn't have to worry about cooking dinner or sitting at a table. Instead, there were fish sticks and miso soup on the couch, and some Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A good night off.

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