Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Still Good

Reason I love my principal #3 and 4:
On Sunday, in our weekly digest, we found out that our principal pulled kids aside Friday afternoon to ask them about their favorite classes, and then posted them in the Sunday digest. Here was mine:

“I enjoy Science class the most about 7th grade because we’ve done different experiments and we’re learning the scientific method.  It’s bumping up my knowledge about different things in Science.”
(Keep in mind this quote is from a student I'd categorize as a "Kid We Love Most". He has a permanent case of the giggles.)

Next Monday is Rosh Hashanah (I remember having to go out of my second grade classroom to find the Jewish second grade teacher to ask how it's spelled). I can't miss a day of school, but I do want to go home to have dinner with my family. We are usually expected to be at school until 5, even though classes end by 3:30. Some days I have duties, like on Monday, I have Homework Center duty, but even on duty-free days I have to stay. So, I thought it would be pretty reasonable of me to ask if I could switch my Monday duty to another day and leave right at 3:30 for Rosh Hashanah. I nervously approached my principal, and she responded, "Of course! Whatever you need! I was about to ask you if you needed anything for the holidays. When is Yom Kippur? Do you need anything then?"

This is why I love going to work every day. It is also why I'm so excited about the giant set of diamonds that showed up on the principal's finger this morning. (!)

Yesterday, I achieved a private accomplishment: my feedback for the day was to "hold back" on some of the previous feedback I'd been given. I was working on urgency, but I need to slow down some times to celebrate good student work and answers. The strictest teacher in the building told me I need to smile more. Okay! That's a good (though sometimes challenging) thing to work on.

I should run 3 miles today, but I still hurt from Sunday. I'll try, but no promises. This will be a tough week, because I had a fire department meeting last night, back-to-school night tomorrow, and SAT tutoring on Thursday. Busy, busy life, but that's the best kind!

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