Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Almost Spring Break

Detention! That means it's time for my weekly check-in. Due to my (involuntary) week off from running, I sort of lost the habit of run, shower, eat, blog. I'm hoping to get back into that, if not this week, then next week during Spring Break. (!) (!!!!!)

In the last week, there have been some exciting events. The big news at school today is that a student ran away. Really. A fifth grader was in ISS, was sent to the office, and instead decided to grab his coat and go home. The teachers went crazy looking for him, but fortunately, his mom called the school soon after he arrived asking why he was home. Both kid and mom are in the dean's office right now. I'd like to be a fly on that wall. I've heard rumors ranging as far as expulsion, which is pretty rare at a North Star School.

I've also continued my certification adventure this week. I did not receive the certification I think I deserve, so one of two things will happen: 1) I figure out what's missing, get the missing paperwork, and get the certificate eventually, or 2) I have to go to grad school next year. 2 would suck. It would be like SCSU coursework all over again. I get so angry thinking about it, but I knew that was a possibility when I left CT after only one year. It hasn't come to that yet, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and my cell phone on vibrate.

Apparently, I'm a social competent here. In addition to inviting some colleagues over for a Seder next week, I've also organized a group (7+) outing to a local Ethiopian restaurant tonight. I'm really excited, and I hope to make this a monthly thing.

In addition, my homeroom won the school voter registration drive! They had a month to bring in as many completed voter registration forms as they could. They also received buttons that said, "I can't vote, but YOU can!" My homeroom brought in the most, and after break we'll vote on a prize; we can choose books, museum tickets, pizza, or other cool things for the class.

Detention is easy today, and I'm right on target for my action plan this week. I'm hoping to get things done a little early, so I can sleep well before our half day on Friday, and enter Spring Break with a clear mind. 3 days left, but one is a test day. That makes 9 classes left, but only 6 "teaching" periods. I'm planned up until next (after break) Wednesday, so I only have 2 more to plan. I have (at least) 6 phone calls to make (each student who is currently failing). 3 more wake-up-in-the-darks and 3 more force-in-contanct-lenses. 3 more round trips to Newark. 1 Ethiopian dinner, 1 6th grade production of Little Shop of Horrors. Then it's Spring Break!

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