Monday, February 25, 2013

Mid-Year Evalutaion

Today, I received my mid-year evaluation. Well, I was evaluated a few weeks ago, but today I met with my principal and IL to discuss it. I was pretty happy with it. Mostly, I was very unsurprised about the action steps. In fact, everything on the form was something that either I have previously discussed with my IL, or something I put on my self-evaluation. I was also happy to see a lot of positive feedback. I got shouted out for my love of data analysis and my strong relationships with students. I was also complimented on being reflective (duh!) and receptive to feedback. Apparently, I have made a 100% turn around since last year. Or something. In addition, they told me again and again how happy they are to have me. You're happy? I'm happy.

Last week was just as crazy as I expected, but I finished it all just in time for 4:30 PM Friday. I had my weekend to myself. The weekend was also as crazy as I expected, but that's a story for another time...

Teacher Reply Form for Mid Year Evaluation

After reading my evaluation…

I am pleased about:

o    Having shown some improvement in student work quality, including starting to implement No Opt Out and overseeing answer quality

o    Positive feedback on student relationships: I have always struggled with non-planned, non-scripted student interaction, so I am happy that it has been working out.

o    My passion for science shows. I’m here because I love it, and it is good that that is evident in my classroom (I am also passionate about data

o   Finding no major surprises: All of the action steps have been skills that I have already begun to work on, or that I have planned to fix in the near future

I plan to work on the following goals:

o   Right is Right – push students to answer 100% correctly by adding correct answers to my plans, then pushing the students to provide them
o    Management – consistently use strong voice by not talking over murmuring (but instead fixing the problem) and using private corrections
o   Keep my classroom neat – weekly tidying
o   Take ownership of skills students’ success – meet with Mr. Walter proactively to make sure students are prepared for assessments and major assignments, identify questions to pre-call students in plans
o   Engagement – focus on more hands raised

I have questions about or could use assistance with:

o    Examples and specific ways to show Right is Right

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