Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Once again, I can confirm that sitting patiently is NOT one of my strengths. Sitting in class these few days has been challenging. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to rock like in high school. I have my hand in the air always, and answer questions well. I have done this teaching before. It's also fun giving feedback to new teachers.

Besides, I have more people to tell Bridgeport stories.

Today, we are discussing cultural perception and bias. I can add this to my collections of discussions in Botswana, Queens, Connecticut, and Newark. The best part is that I was required to bring in an artifact representative of my culture. On Tim's suggestion: a bagel. I don't think anything better represents my identity as a foodie-Jewish-American.

So, I've got one more day of sitting patiently.

I've taken a few days off from running due to some unexpected foot pain (due to, surprise, a tight calf muscle). Besides, I signed up for a 5K on Thursday, and I will go sub-30, DAMMIT. So, I'll think of it as tapering. On purpose.

Fortunately, my foot is entirely better today, so we're good to go. Ready for more sitting patiently.

Now I'm going to toot my own horn for a moment. I've been dealing with the sitting still by staying really active and raising my hand all the time. This has payed off. I have repeatedly gotten personal praise from the head of the program. I am a leader, an example. It's nice to do something as easy as high school again.

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