Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I had the most amazing weekend. It was a weekend-long celebration of mine and my sister's engagement.

The first two nights were dinners with lots of food and lots of drinks and lots of family. Those were okay. It was Sunday that was amazing.

A bajillion people with a bijillion gifts showed up at my parents house to share in the celebration. There was an open bar, a sushi bar, and a salads-in-martini-glasses bar. I partook in all of these things with great enthusiasm. I also got to share the day with my best friends from high school, some close friends from college, and some other long lost friends. Also, tequila shots. It was amazing.

I got a little bit of running in, as well. I did a hilly, hilly four miles and Saturday, and an equally hilly two on Sunday. Monday's run got blahed, so I went swimming instead. I forgot how much I love swimming. It's peaceful and challenging. The only problem is that I hadn't gone swimming in weeks, so today, I'm sore in all the wrong places. Ouch. Ouch, in a satisfied way.

A good workout is the kind that leaves you googling triathlon training schedules. I'm definitely doing the NYC Tri next year

School this week is stressful and busy. We had our first day of IA#1. It's a week to test my patience (because if we take to many dollars, the kids shut down and it affects test scores) and my bladder (tomorrow, I teach/duty for 6 hours straight). The first day went without a hitch, but time will tell...and two days until science! My kids are going to rock it this year. I just have to tie up a few loose ends that became evident after the diagnostic, mostly on objectives that were covered, but not in that much depth (e.g. what is salt water vs. freshwater). And they will ROCK slope. I guarantee it.

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