Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 10

This is week 10. The end of quarter 1. The first 25%.

We're really moving quickly this year.

I spent a lot of time yesterday talking to the principal about my assessment-related revelations regarding reading skills. We discussed ways to formalize strategies for reading, and decided that the most important part of reading a difficult technical text is being okay with not really knowing what is going on, at least through the first reading. In fact, we decided on a thrice-read procedure. The first read-through is rough, just to get an idea of what is going on. The second time, write a one-sentence summary for each paragraph. The third time, go back and underline evidence supporting your paragraph summaries. All-in-all, it's a nice way to formalize a process that I might do without thinking, every time I read a technical text like a journal article.

Today is the Halloween Party, which will be ... interesting. It'll be a fun activity in management, candy, and loudness.

I got my 15 miles in last week, plus a good weightlifting on Sunday. This week, I'm going for at least 15, but spread over 5 days instead of 4. Possibly. I'm really achy after yesterday's run, so I may reject my initial plan to run a fast mile before going to the gym this evening. We'll see how well I can stand after the Halloween Party. In addition, since I have early-release Thursday (4 PM) and Friday (1 PM), I think I'll even get in a swim as well!

To finish, I wanted to share the responses I got yesterday, the day before we started glaciers, when I asked students to write down one thing they know about glaciers. Do you know which are true and which aren't?

1.    I know that glaciers are very big but move very slowly.
2.    They are made of compacted ice.
3.    Glaciers are a type of a water reservoir. They have ice and can be found in cold areas like Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, North and South Poles.
4.    When wind erosion occurs, it can knock glaciers down.
5.    Cold, deadly, big, cause weathering.
6.    Cold, can affect ships in a dangerous way, very hard to break, they are near polar bears and penguins, move slow.
7.    They’re big mountain-like things that carry bits of frozen fresh water.
8.    That it is cold. And I don’t know anything else.
9.    Cold, mechanical weathering, freezing and thawing, frozen sticks.
10.  Cold, made of ice, move very slowly, cause weathering, erosion, and deposition, starting to melt because of global warming, can cover land, formed in Ice Age (I think).
11.  I know that they are formed by big chunks of ice that’s made by frozen water.
12.  Cold, Arctic region, ice, usually surrounded by water or the ocean.
13.  I don’t know anything.
14.  Glaciers move slowly. Glaciers melt into the oceans making them deeper causing it to flood land.
15.  When melted, the amount of water in oceans increase. Animals live on them. Melting due to global warming.
16.  One thing I know about glaciers is that it is formidable and can move things around. I also know that it is very cold and is made of ice.
17.  I know that glaciers are big chunks of ice. Also that they are melting because of global warming.
18.  Glaciers are huge ice blocks in an arctic area that if melted it can cause bodies of water to rise and eventual things like hurricanes.
19.  I know glaciers can form boulders of ice, I know that glaciers are up to -74 degrees C cold.
20.  Glaciers are huge chunks of ice, they cause weathering, erosion, and deposition.
21.  Glaciers are part of abrasion, glaciers are in cold areas, glaciers are ice.
22.  Glaciers are HUGE chunks of much more bigger pieces of ice – icebergs.
23.  Icebergs fall from glaciers.

24.  I know that glaciers are similar to ice and form in caves.

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