Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I got to fly twice today.

The first was this morning, during my first class. The class was running especially smoothly, which was good, because my IL was in the room. I was remembering all my techniques (check for understanding, circulate and check student work, etc) and it was great. About two-thirds of the way through the class, my IL waves me over to her. This usually happens when she's been trying to gesture a message to me that I'm just not getting, and when the gesturing gets too furious, she'll find a convenient break (30 seconds to write the answer...GO) and wave me over. I didn't think I'd been missing anything, but I walked over to her as she stood up. She leaned over and whispered, "I'm really impressed to see how much you've improved. You're using all your techniques and the class is producing higher quality work."


Moreover, I have a full period test tomorrow, so it'll be an easy (albeit grading-heavy) day.

The second time I got to fly was in the evening. I had been planning all week to try out nighttime running on this night. I looked at the weather report and noticed that tonight it would be nearly 60 degrees when I got home, so it was set. I'd do about 2-2.5 miles at a pretty fast pace, as a sort of "test run" run for the 5K on Saturday. It was my first time running in the dark, but I had a brand new, very...visible, vest that my parents bought for me. It's really, really, yellow.

I started out running smoothly. I easily picked up the pace, but felt good. I was listening to an audiobook with one headphone in, so I could hear traffic. I waited extra long at intersections, and it was a little difficult to see all the cracks in the sidewalk. About 5 minutes in, I accidentally hit some button on my phone and it shut off the audiobook. Oh well. I didn't want to stop and fiddle, so I decided it would be a good opportunity to "enjoy the moment" and "listen to my body".

I had an extremely good time and felt incredible. Flying again.

Of course, soon after I returned to my apartment complex, I stepped off the curb and rolled my ankle. I did that sort of run-run-roll-catch-run-run-nope-ow-walk-walk graceful dance that only an experienced ankle-roller could manage. I rushed upstairs to shower and make dinner before the run wore off and it started hurting.  I think it'll be okay, but I took some Advil just to be sure. I'm hoping I'll still be in top shape for Saturday, but I might have to skip Thursday's run. I felt fast, now it hurts a little. A small price to pay for flying.

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