Monday, October 24, 2011


This made me smile. It requires some knowledge of Indian food and superheroes.

While it's fresh in my mind, I wanted to share what I've learned from a conversation with my TFA adviser tonight. I had asked to speak to him regarding the behavior problems I've been having.

First, he told me that where I am right now, with the frustration and the behavior problems and the roller coaster of classes, is normal. Not only that, but it will get better.

Also, he pointed out that if my classes vary so much from lesson to lesson, especially from seventh grade to eighth, maybe it's my lessons that need work.

That makes so much sense. I am trying to squeeze too many key points into one lesson, and they don't listen for all of them. I need a better hook for the lesson and fewer key points. I can then let them do independent/group work, and they'll understand it better. If they don't understand, they'll just complain, and not even try the work. I need to challenge them, but only enough so they don't notice.

I need to improve my lesson plans. This week, I want to make plans for the first part of Unit 3 for both 7th and 8th grade. I have high hopes.

He even said that he was surprised that I was having so much classroom management trouble, because it looked like I was good at giving clear expectations and consistent consequences last time he visited. :)

Also: the state of education in America.

P.S. "According to most sources, both spellings are acceptable, but my Webster's doesn't have a separate listing for "advisor" (with an "o"), it is merely an alternate spelling of the listed word, "adviser" (with an "e")."

1 comment:

  1. It would make so much more sense if the last 2 naans weren't squished together!
