Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Last year, for Teacher Appreciation Week, I think we got an email on Friday from the principal, apologizing for forgetting Teacher Appreciation Week. This year, it's a little bit different.

Yesterday, the school provided bagels and snazzy new water bottles for the teachers. This is in addition to goodies brought in by students, which included another set of bagels, 2 boxes of pastries, cupcakes, muffins, goodies from Bath and Body Works, a fancy pen, a thermos, and tea. Additionally, a student (and his brother, for the 5th grade teachers) brought in a baggy of snacks with a nice note in it for the teachers today and yesterday. Yesterday, the baggy contained a diet iced tea, a bag of chips, and a piece of candy. Today, I got some instant coffee and flavored sweetener, and another bag of chips.

Needless to say, I did NOT feel good when I left school Monday. I felt not good in the most wonderful way. Of course, my boyfriend surprised me with homemade chicken enchiladas, so the awesome awfulness continued.

I guess the eating healthy to cleanse my body for the half marathon isn't going to work so well. I just have to be extra careful to eat well Thursday and Friday, so I don't have any porta potty adventures.

By Tuesday morning, we were ready to call the teacher appreciation thing off, but we got a notice on our desk (along with a pack of "Achieve-MINTS") that said this:
   The North Star Day Spa re-opens for a blissful 7 hours! Stop by the Day Spa (formerly the Tutoring Room across from the V Room) today any time between 10 am and 5 pm for a 10-minute shoulder massage and a little zen. Yes,  you can go back for seconds – but please let others ahead of you if they haven’t had a turn yet. :)
So, I didn't cancel the holiday just yet. When they said spa, they meant Spa. A little storage room was decked out in candles, relaxing music, and two massage tables (and two masseuses). I went twice. Heaven.

Lunch was a burrito bar. I went twice. Heaven.

Due to my incessant food coma, and plans to go running right after school, I'll pause the stories here. In the future, expect I do owe the following stories:

Brown University Spirit
Highest Praise
Test Scores
Getting in Trouble
Being a Bitch
Being a Vampire Slayer


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