Monday, November 21, 2011


1.5 school days until Thanksgiving.

On Friday, the old science teacher (also TFA) came to visit. I took one look at him and realized why the 8th grade girls don't like me. He's tall and good-looking. He's confident. According to a student, "he's blazing, Miss." I had a nice chat with him, and he gave me a bit of motivation. The week ended in a headache.

Saturday brought a full day of TFA PD. Oy. I got some good advice out of it, on several fronts, but I didn't have the energy to really engage in the workshops. Saturday work is tough. A lot of first years weren't really into it. It was useful listening to the second year teachers talk, though. And there were some TFA-standard uncomfortable discussions about race.

For the most part, today was REALLY GOOD. Two of my classes did really great work on a lab. I learned on Saturday that when I give them more responsibility, it takes longer to do the labs (duh), even though they learn more inquiry skills. If they don't know what they're doing, they don't like to do anything, so there is more explaining to do. I even learned a good technique for differentiating labs: I can create a lab, and then take out a few words (some variables, or the hypothesis) and make the students do it for more inquiry practice. I can add or take away entire sections (e.g. procedure, testable question) depending on the level of the class.

I had a good chat with our new temporary assistant principal. She seems like she'll be a great resource, and it's always nice to have an extra adult in the classroom.

My last class was tough, but I had hoped I'd get tired of writing before I got to explaining it. I am.

Now I'm off to enjoy my newest LivingSocial purchase, my first of 10 yoga classes for $40.

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