Thursday, February 9, 2012


Epiphany might be too big of a word, so I went with mini. Anyway, it occurred to me why I've been having such a hard time the last couple of weeks. It's not that the kids are extra difficult. After having my classroom management questioned, I lost confidence in my system. I became less consistent. I thought I was being "tougher", but really I was just being inconsistent. It's not an incentive to behave if the teacher calls home without warning.

Consistency: starting again tomorrow.

First World Problem #4: It seems like a cruel trick of the DEA that I have to go to 2 Stop and Shops, wait in line, show ID, fill out a form, and sign a paper, all just to buy a box of Sudafed (although, Stop and Shop brand was under $5). When I least wanted to do all of those things, and most wanted to go home and take a nap.

Next week is Valentine's Day, and I have some fun things planned for this weekend. The advantage of having a boyfriend who doesn't read my blog ("I like hearing the stories from you") is that I have someone to brag to about surprises for him. I'm going to surprise him with dinner tomorrow night when he arrives at my apartment around dinner time, that will include favorite eggy pasta topped with shaved truffled pecorino. I also got a couple of other nice snacky cheeses, and the big treat, a quarter pound of gourmet sopressata. I'm not sure what sopressata is exactly, but I know my boyfriend likes it a lot and doesn't get it very often. Then, we have dinner reservations on Saturday night at a lovely, budget-friendly Italian restaurant in Fairfield. I've got enough food planned to forget how stupid Valentine's Day is.

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