Monday, February 6, 2012


I just finished off a mile and a third jog around the University of Bridgeport. After I run, everything is good and happy. The weather is beautiful, I feel great, and I had a great day. Before my run, I walked around the park for a bit with my colleague/friend/mentor (mentor with a lowercase "m", not the school-designated one). We had a nice chat that wasn't about teaching.

School isn't all sunshine and roses, but things aren't too bad. I think I'm having more learning happen in my classroom. I've been having difficulty the last few weeks with management, but the students are learning objectives better. The last round of quizzes had a couple of classes with averages in the 60s and 70s, which is outstanding compared to the start of the year. Students are learning more and trying harder in my classroom.

Tomorrow is the district science fair. I get a break from classes. We set up the boards of our five winners today, at the UB student center. I walked around a bit, and noticed that we might have a shot at this competition. I don't think we'll win, but we fit in well.

I've decided to change my workout schedule a bit. I've gotten bored of the weightlifting program, so I've decided that winter lifting season is over and now it's running base-building. I'm going to build up the miles, running as much as possible, without hurting myself. I've had a host of overuse injuries in the process of training for various races, so I'm trying not to do that this time. I'd like to build up to 4 or 5 runs per week, even if some of them are only a mile. I have 3 more yoga classes paid for, so I think I'm going to do them every other week (mostly because I don't feel like going tonight).

My run today was pretty enjoyable, and I don't usually enjoy running. I usually only like the after-run. Today, I enjoyed the run, and completely zoned out while listening to Tim Curry narrate Journey to the Center of the Earth. I'm going to try a schedule of running Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I'll throw an extra workout in there somewhere, maybe a run and maybe a ride on the broken recumbent bike in the gym. I can't wait until bike season (and by "bike season", I mean "not too lazy to take the bike out season"), but I can still make excuses until the weather is definitely going to stay this nice. It'll be nice again tomorrow, but it might snow Wednesday! Now I shall commence checking the weather forecast every 30 minutes from now until Wednesday.

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