Friday, September 23, 2011

I Keep Loving Fridays

Today ranged from horrible to amazing, with everything in between. Although, looking back on it, the worst wasn't TOO bad.

I had my homeroom for a double period today, and they just wouldn't settle down. I decided to teach those who wanted to be taught, and leave the others to themselves. I ended up doing a lab with about 2/3 of the class, and it looked like a lot of them understood the material (independent and dependent variables). The other kids were ignored, although they left a mess of papers on the floor.

My next two classes were really good, and one of them reached fifteen class points! I guess they're getting munchkins on Monday.

My last two classes were not as good, though. For one class, I had put together a review Jeopardy!...but I couldn't get them to settle down long enough to get started. So, instead, I had them copy down the questions and answers for a quiz grade. They were unhappy, but eventually they realized that they needed to get to work. By the end of the period, I had the entire class writing (and almost completely quiet). The last class was a little chatty, but I got some material done. I haven't graded the exit tickets yet, but they looked, for the most part, good.

And then, I signed my contract! Awesome, although I'm stuck in a 21-paycheck year cycle for the year, which means I get paid more during the school year rather than less but for 12 full months. That means I have to put some extra effort into saving and budgeting, which I guess I enjoy anyway.

The best news of the day: when I came home, I learned that my boyfriend got accepted into medical school! With a scholarship! He will be a real, live doctor, and in less than five years! It was his "safety" school (as "safety" as it can get in the world of medical school admissions), but it's not too shabby. Hooray! Way to kick off the weekend!

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