Thursday, September 22, 2011

Live From the Bridgeport DMV

Now I will attempt to write a not-too-cynical blog entry. While waiting at the DMV. On my phone. And the app has already crashed once.

Today and yesterday were especially challenging as far as classroom management. The kids have been extra bouncy. I've written 6 referrals, 4 for leaving class without permission and 2 for kids hitting other students. I was never like that in middle school!

Otherwise, they've been very chatty. Some of it is understandable, as a result of a student's private problem (which won't be described, for her sale) which became public as a result of an attention-seeking not-so-good friend and the teen's propensity to communicate on bathroom walls. I feel awful for her, but understand the class's rowdiness.

Two of my classes have been taken to the gym for a paper plane lab. It should have been fun for the kids and an opportunity to practice the scientific process, but resulted in less-than-exemplary behavior and a significant loss of participation points (apparently today is Express-Yourself-in-Hyphenated-Euphemisms Day).

I have begin teaching regular content to all my classes, though, which is nice. I also got to participate in a meeting that led to the creation of am IEP, which was interesting. My day ended in a review of my first formal performance review by the assistant principal, which went surprisingly well. I was commended on my ability to engage the kids in the material in an exciting way. She then recommended a couple of ways to help smooth out some procedural issues and to push the kids towards higher-order thinking with probing questions. I'll have to work on that, when I'm no longer preoccupied with the zillion other things on my lessons and management and...they're calling my number, time to register my car.

And now I have new license plates and I will begin to ponder ways to scrape my NY registration and inspection stickers off the car. TV and relaxing times await.

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