Thursday, September 15, 2011

Okay, Okay

I have heard from my fans that they are eagerly awaiting a post for today. I could respond the way I respond to a student when they ask a question about something they really can't be expected to know, but it's the end of the day and I'm tired: Don't expect a post every day! Or, I could respond the way I SHOULD respond to students all the time when they have the courage to ask a question: I'm working on it, and will have it out as soon as possible. I may not have the time or material to blog every day.

I had an interaction with a student today that I can't figure out if it was flattering or embarrassing. After school, one of my students came over to me in the hallway on the way to her after-school activity. It was a nice girl who sits towards the back of the room, is a little chatty, but is not especially disruptive. She suggested that I might want to put a suggestion box in the class so they could suggest labs that weren't as boring as the bubble gum lab. And Miss, the participation point system doesn't work.

Uh...okay. I explained to her that I didn't choose the labs, but that they were required by the state, and that I would try to make them as fun as possible. As for the points, I assured her that once the class saw their first progress report, which reflected their participation grades, they'd learn their lesson.

I don't know whether to be embarrassed that a student found it necessary to comment on my classroom management system, or flattered that she felt comfortable enough speaking to me.

I don't know whether I should take her suggestions, and to what degree. I still have to do the state labs, and I still think the point system shows promise, but I could revamp them.

At the very least, I think I made a friend, even if I don't follow her advice.

And then, I was super productive. I now have a new driver's license, a verified VIN, AND I went to the gym.

Dinner awaits.

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